Abuja Jobs Interviews and Free Skills Acquisition Opportunities.
Thursday 5th May 2022.

Note: Members only, so get membership if you have not yet a member.

Avoid distractive and misleading informations from other people. They could be ritualist or scammers.

Focus only on why you came to us.

We will support members transport fares if they sincerely do not have.

Be at our office with your CV to collect interview access letter after membership screening and pre interviews.

Screening Venue:
Vacancy Hunters Services,
Suite 0.10 Oyibo Odinamadu Block, National Center for Women Development, Opposite CBN, Central rea. Abuja.

A. Free Skills Acquisition Opportunities.

The position of a Sales Person in a Beauty Spa Store.
Start up salary “30k, salary increase to 35k after 1year .
Resumes 9:00am- 7pm( monday-saturday).. .
You are signing a 1year legal binding contract which is always renewed at the end of every 1year..You will be trained for the job.

B. Jobs

  1. Graduate Info Tech Staff- HND/ Degree in Computer Science only- Computer sarvy- Jahi.
  2. Female Personal Assistant- HND/ Degree- Very fluent and good command of English Language- Computer literate- Salary from 50k/ Month- Must live within Kubwa- Kubwa.
  3. Male Fashion House Manager- HND/ Degree- Experience required- Must have flair and some experience in fashion industry- Gudu.
  4. Restaurant Supervisor- ND/ HND/ Degree- Restaurant experience required- Restaurant- Wuse 2.
  5. Store Keeper- ND/ HND/ Degree- Experience required- Restaurant- Wuse 2.
  6. Chef- Experience required- Restaurant- Wuse 2.
  7. Waiters- SSCE- Good looks and smart- Experience required- Restaurant- Wuse 2.
  8. Baker- Experience required- Restaurant- Wuse 2.
  9. Nurse- Experience and certification required- Area 11.
  10. Female Sales Rep- ND/ HND/ Degree- Experience required- Good looks and enterprising- Wuse 2.
  11. Driver- Experience required- Salary 40k- Applicants living near Games Village only- Wuse 2.
  12. Female Secretary- ND/ HND/ Degree- Very fast in typing ànd use of computer with accuracy- Law Firm- Garki.
  13. Driver- Experience required- Salary 40k- Garki.
  14. Waitress- SSCE- Experience required- Hotel- Gwarinpa.
  15. Barbecue/ Griller- Experience required- Garden- Guzape.
  16. Female Pharmacy Attendant- SSCE/ ND- Experience in pharmacy work required- Wuse Zone 2.
  17. Airline Travels Ticketing Officer- HND/ Degree- Airlines ticketing work experience required- Must be experienced with the use of Amadeus ticketing platform- Wuse 2.
  18. Female Lash Technician- Smart and agile- Expert in eyelash fixing and technicalities- Work experience required- Salary 130k- Wuse 2.
  19. Male Furniture Installers- Experience required- Furniture Company- Wuse 2.
  20. Male Furniture Installers- Experience required- Furniture Company- Central Area.
  21. Sales Girl- SSCE- Smart and enterprising- Work experience required- Salary 30k Garki International Market- Garki.
  22. Sales Girl- SSCE- Smart and enterprising- Work experience required- Salary 30k Garki International Market- Garki.
  23. Female Sales Rep- SSCE- Smart, Pretty and enterprising- Salary 30k- Ashers- Wuse 2.
  24. Sales Girl- SSCE- Smart and agile- Experience required- Salary 27k- Wuse 2
  25. Male Legal Officer- LL B and B.L ( Law Degree) only- 0- 3 year work experience required- Law Firm- Maitama.
  26. Drivers- Experience required- Gudu.
  27. Driver- Experience required- Lokogoma.
  28. Driver- Experience required- Live In- Lugbe.
  29. Female House keeper- Experience required- 30- 40years old- Live In- 30-35kLokogoma.
  30. Househelp- Experience required- Various household in Abuja.
  31. Barman- Experience required- Guest house- Applicants living in Kugbo or Nyanya axis- Kugbo.
  32. Security- SSCE- Experience required- Guest house- Applicants living in Kugbo or Nyanya axis- Kugbo.
  33. Sale Girl- SSCE- Experience required- Guest house- Applicants living in Kugbo or Nyanya axis- Kugbo.
  34. Driver- Experience required- Applicants living near Gwarinpa- Gwarinpa.
  35. Houseboy- Experience required- Sunny Vale Estate- Lokogoma.
  36. Houseboy- Experience required- Gwarinpa.
  37. Security- ( Akwa Ibomite)- Experience required- Salary 20k + Feeding and Accomodation- Gwarinpa.

Vacancy Hunters Services
Suite 0.10 Oyibo Odinamadu Block, National Center for Women Development, Opposite CBN, Central Area. Abuja.
08025647594, 08092917628.

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